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HACCP Principle 2

In step 1 of the HACCP process all potential sources of biological, chemical or physical hazards should be identified at each step in the production process. This step of the process consists of asking a series of questions to assist in identifying potential hazards e.g. where in the process hazards are likely to occur? What hazards may occur at each step? What control measures are necessary for each hazard? etc…

In step 1 the hazards are identified according to severity based on the likely consequences if someone were to be exposed to that particular hazard. In this step it is also necessary to list the likelihood of this hazard occurring.

Once the first step of the HACCP plan has been completed it is then time to move on to step 2 of the HACCP plan which is to determine the critical control points (CCPs). A CCP is a step in the food handling process where a control can be applied to potentially reduce or eliminate a food safety hazard. A hazard is defined as a part of the process that could cause illness or injury if there are not adequate controls in place. Part 1 of the HACCP process is to identify where in the processes hazards may occur so that in step 2 of the hazard analysis critical control points can be identified for each potential hazard.

n this step of the HACCP process each hazard that was identified in the first part of the process is analyzed to see if processes can be implemented to prevent, eliminate or reduce these hazards to acceptable levels. A good example of this would be a point in the process where the temperature of the food could introduce a potential hazard and what critical control points or temperature range can be introduced at this point of the process to eliminate or minimize the risk that would be imposed by food that is not at the correct temperature for the correct amount of time.

For step 2 of the HACCP all critical control points should be identified and documented to ensure that proper protocols are being followed to ensure the safety of the general public that is being served the food from your establishment. The next part of the process, HACCP step 3, will be to establish limits for each of these CCPs. This will be expanded on in our next article.

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