Startups are exciting ventures with potential for rapid growth and innovation.
While they are often faced with their fair share of challenges and pitfalls, they also offer many opportunities and positive aspects that foster resilience, enormous learning and the ability to make a huge difference in their respective industries.
While we can safely say that we have had our share of pitfalls we have learnt an enormous amount since starting this process and we will continue to grow and learn as we move forward.
Through the process we have been introduced to the intricate workings of the Canadian market, we have made amazing connections and met some wonderful people.
It's now time for the next phase for our company.
We have made enormous strides with our technology build. But we still have some finessing to go.
After a period of intense market validation we are ready for the next stages of our project build.
We have an exciting product, with the potential to have a hugely beneficial impact in the industry. With the potential for job creation. With the potential for skills development. And with the potential for massive growth.
This next phase of our start-up presents an exciting opportunity for a student who is either currently enrolled or recently graduated from an engineering or computer science program with both hardware and software development skills.
We are currently in the interview process for completion of our technology build. If you haven't yet had a chance to apply for the position please make sure to do so ASAP as we are nearing the end of the interview process.
If you would like to apply for the following project, the link has been included below: Automated Monitoring and Recording of food temperature with connected/compliance recording software and a user friendly application for use in commercial kitchens